“I would go out tonight, but I haven’t got a stitch to wear”……..YET!

So my friend invited a group of girls (I use the word ‘girls’ in the loosest sense, as we’re all rather mature) over to her house for dinner. What to wear (the eternal question)?

I’m still carrying a little Christmas weight gain, and, as she was taking the trouble to cook for us, I wanted room under the waistband for some good grub! Therefore, jeans came off the list of possibilities.

I decided to wear the denim skirt from my I’m no Goldilocks project. It’s got an elasticated waist and is very comfortable. OK, bottom half sorted out……now what?

I had a couple of hours before I needed to get ready, so I pulled out a T-shirt I got at Goodwill the week before.

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I guessed it would be tight when I picked it up because it was only a medium, but I really liked the color, the double V-necks, and the sleeve shape. Sure enough, it was tight around the hips and the “keyhole” detail couldn’t be pulled very tight.

The first step was a no-brainer – chop off just under the bust.


I cut the ties off in case I wanted to use them later.

Then, I rifled through my stash hunting for some grey knit to color block with the purple. I couldn’t find any with the right amount of stretch, but discovered some lilac lightweight sweater knit I’d forgotten about. I cut a rectangle, made a tube, folded it in half and overlocked it on. Finally, I used the two ties across the back neck.



Done, in plenty of time. Now to add boots, and find a necklace.

Well, Morrisey, I found a stitch to wear, and I AM going out tonight!!

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